STEAM Challenges
STEAM Challenges are for STEAM Cadets and Advocates although everyone can participate.
Rules of the Challenges will be posted before an official challenge begins but the idea is to educate the public at large and have STEAM Students and there Teachers and their Families and Friends to help solve modern problems with modern technology and clever yet SIMPLE THINKING!
STEAM Challenges are designed to push the limit in thinking by literally simplifying the question and problem that needs to be solved. Nine out of ten time the simplest solution or some variant is usually the best solution.
FIRING ROOM 1 will be offering STEAM Challenges in each of the STEAM Topic Categories from time to time.
Science Technology Engineering Art and Math and the core of all modern societies for the last several 1000 years. STEAM will continue to be at the core for 1000s more.
Photon Terminal Velocity Challenge
Photon Speed Limit is It's Terminal Velocity When EM Forces and Dynamic Drag Are in Equilibrium
Photon Hawking Evaporation Challenge
Cosmic Redshift is Caused by Hawking Evaporation of EM Field Off the Photons Wave Packet Envelope
STEAM Challenges Require All the STEAM Team Skills to Truly be Successful
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Students and College Students and Professors are All Welcome to Work on STEAM Challenges